Ingrown nail

Ingrown Toenail Treatment

This condition occurs when the toenail cuts into the surrounding skin. This may be due to narrow shoes, congenitally incurvated nail borders, or toe deformities such as a bunion that cause increased pressure on neighboring toes.

Changes in the nail due to previous trauma or fungus in the nail may also contribute to ingrown nails. The most common site for ingrown nails is the big toe.

Symptoms may range from mild discomfort to prolonged conditions which can become infected. Signs of infection can include pain, redness, swelling, and drainage of pus. Ingrown nails can be acute or chronic conditions.

                                           Infected toenail-Get in to see a Podiatrist ASAP

Home Treatment

If you are prone to ingrown nails, cut your nails rounded and keep them relatively short. This will prevent them from growing into the tip of the toe. You should not try to go down the side of the nail with a blade or scissors.

If the nail does become red and inflamed, soak the toe in warm, soapy water with Epsom salts and carefully trim nail. If this does not alleviate your symptoms, make an appointment with a podiatric physician.

Medical Treatment
If the ingrown condition is mild, your podiatric physician may be able to simply cut the nail properly to alleviate your symptoms. If the area is infected, the doctor will need to numb the toe and then remove the small section of the nail that is causing the infection. The toe will stay numb for several hours, but you may resume light activities immediately (eg driving). By the next day, your toe will generally feel greatly improved.

If the condition tends to recur, there is a permanent solution. Your doctor will numb your toe with local anesthetic(similar to when the dentist numbs your mouth), remove the offending nail section and put a chemical in the area to sterilize the cells that make the nail so that the ingrown section of nail never grows back. This procedure has proven to be very effective with a high degree of patient satisfaction and little discomfort.

When conservative treatment options are no longer providing the comfort you need, consultation with your podiatric physician is advised to discuss surgical options.

Any questions please email
If pain persists see medical assistance immediately 


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